Anxiety ridden Vs being Anchored in progress…
There are very many that busy themselves in appearing to be good… That’s not to say that they do not have the energy, the talent or the personality… It’s just that their main focus...
Entrepreneur, Technology Strategist, Innovator, Leader
There are very many that busy themselves in appearing to be good… That’s not to say that they do not have the energy, the talent or the personality… It’s just that their main focus...
If you do not take it upon yourself to learn, life will teach you the lesson in its own way…. You will then have to live with the results… Learn when you are put...
Winning is fun… the feeling of achievement… of success… the resultant celebration… the confidence it generates… You so totally want to play to Win!!! Life however, is not a game of chess where you...
If you have spent a day without learning something new, you have spent your day in vain… Allocate at least fifteen minutes a day to reading something new… It will help you reflect… ignite...
No matter how positive minded you are, you still have your limits… Question yourself often on where you are spending your time…. If your time is being spent on accomplishing your goals or in...
The more I interact with people, the more do I realize that there is more selfishness and more disrespect than I would have ever imagined… And as I say this, I am not complaining...
When you dream… you see things… people… places… just like you do when you are awake… It feels so real!!! And some of those experiences stay on with you… And when you are awake…you...
Let’s face it… Things go wrong! Bad stuff happens! As much as we can ponder over why things went wrong and how difficult a phase that was… how long we dedicate to reminiscing that...
People talk… People will say things… People are entitled to their opinions… It is you that ‘feels’ elated or insulted… And a feeling is always a reaction to a physical sense… Physical senses by...
You engage in a discussion with your associate and after an hour and a half realize that he may actually not even be able to paraphrase what you are contending about… This happens more...