Sashank Purighalla Blog

Ambition with detachment - Sashank

Ambition with detachment

How about being laser focused on your goal and your task at hand with no attachment nor worry about the result? This is the method to apply the doctrine of ‘Karma’ to your life. And if you look deeply into your life, you will realize that this expression...

The difference between great and mediocre - Sashank

The difference between great and mediocre

You will notice little difference in the day-to-day routines of a really successful and a very mediocre man. Yet over a span of time, these seemingly similar people that apparently lead similar lives see big differences in their accomplishments. Is this luck? The difference lies not in capability...

The more you grow... Sashank

The more you grow…

The more you grow, the more do you realize the value of those about you and the more do you realize that you have nothing to complain about. The more you grow, the more do you feel grateful, the more do you understand that you have a lot...

When in doubt about what is right - Sashank

When in doubt about what is right

As a lion, you are expected to live up to this tenet: “Whenever a doubt arises as to the right or ethics of my position or action towards others, to resolve such doubt against myself”. Nature has a way of presenting situations that constantly challenge our understanding of...

Your Karma and Value System - Sashank

Your Karma and Value System

I was raised in a culture that subscribes to the doctrine of ‘Karma’. “You reap where you sow”. This is a subtle, yet an important deviation from “You reap what you sow”. Karma is not a zero sum game. Your good and bad actions and thoughts do not...

Stage relevance - Sashank

Stage relevance

An important aspect of the professional skills needed in your work sphere is ‘Stage Relevance’. ‘Stage’ here refers to the stage of the business that you are a part of. Consider an extremely successful CEO of a multi-billion dollar, multi national corporation. He might not be a fit...

Do not justify your actions - Sashank

Do not justify your actions

If you have to justify your actions, it is the effect of someone not liking what you did! If it is someone else, is that person unreasonable? If so, he does not deserve it. Do not justify your actions. If it is someone else, is that person reasonable...

Take a 'bug' as an insult - Sashank

Take a ‘bug’ as an insult

Yes, I am addressing programmers again! Imagine a mechanical engineer delivering a bridge and stating that “the bugs found in production can be fixed in the next sprint”. Or how about a civil engineer pushing the blame for a collapsed building over to testers who should have found...

Where you are is perfect - Sashank

Where you are is perfect

My daughter told me a little while back how badly she wanted to be an adult. “It is so easy to be an adult. They never have homework”, was her argument. Remember feeling similarly when you were a child? Would you still wish the same if your childhood...

Inspiration - Sashank


Turn back through the pages of your life: The things you did well, the times when you were appreciated, the accomplishments, the wins! Nothing inspires you like a job that you do well! Those are the times when you are proud of yourself. Those are the occasions where...