Sashank Purighalla Blog

Employee or Entrepreneur?, Sashank Purighalla

Employee or Entrepreneur?

An employee needs a well defined task sheet. He waits for instruction. He needs recognition. He needs a pat on his back. He might take pride in his work, he might be driven, he might be really good at what he does, he might make good money and...

Trust or mediocracy - Sashank Purighalla

Trust or mediocracy

The unrest that results from unmet expectations from a trusted entity far exceeds the loss that results from the treacherous back-stabbing by an untrusted source. Trust is hard to gain and difficult to keep. Trust is built over time when you come through repeatedly… you work selflessly for...

Your own unique spot - Sashank Purighalla

Your own unique spot…

A razor blade, a knife, a sword and an axe are all sharp cutting tools. You don’t use an axe for cutting your hair nor do you depend on a razor blade to go to war. No tool is greater than the other! Each has its place… each...

It’s all about you - Sashank Purighalla

It’s all about you…

I once had a friend who assumed the center stage of every conversation. This did not mean that he had to be directly spoken of… if was just that no matter who said what and in what context, he was convinced that it was a dart pointed at...

When it does not matter anymore, Sashank Purighalla

When it does not matter anymore…

When all that matters is your goal, what others say or don’t say, do or don’t do, does not matter anymore; It is about how you must do it… it is about what you must say! Are you at a state where you are sure of what you...

Misdirected... Sashank Purighalla


People tend to develop resentment and turn bitter to the ones that tell them the truth. Let’s face it. Most of us want to hear what we like and hate to hear what we don’t, despite what is true. And most of us are immature enough to misdirect...

Blame pointing - Sashank Purighalla

Blame pointing

9 Times out of 10 or better, when you zero down on why there is a problem, you will realize that you are the reason for the situation you are in. You were the problem. But you are also the solution. Stop blaming. Start solving. It’s all in...

Responsibility - Sashank Purighalla


Enough cannot be said about responsibility! Focus, Ability to Complete, Determination, Integrity, etc are the daughters of responsibility. Responsibility is best assumed; not given! You sure are responsible a person. Are you responsible everywhere, every time?

Say “No” with care - Sashank Purighalla

Say “No” with care

Extremities are almost never good. And the use of “No” is no exception. If you have trouble saying “No”, not only are you committing to more than you can deliver, you could be singing yourself, those associated with you as well as those you are not saying “no”...

Past is past... Move on, Sashank Purighalla

Past is past… Move on!

You cannot change the past, but you can most definitely influence your future. If you are spending time pondering over the past in an attempt to resolve chronic issues, the only outcome would be wasted energy and strained relationships. If you believe that a problem from the past...