Sashank Purighalla Blog

Whether i win or you win, we lose…

Whether i win or you win, we lose…

Whether i win or you win, we lose… … if we are a team! People confuse team mates for adversaries. The disgust most genuine professionals develop for the corporate world can be attributed to this single trait… “I must win over you”. People can go to any extent...

Maximize the use of your time

Maximize the use of your time

You may be doing all the right things. You may be doing all things right. You may be working hard and you may be wasting very little time…. The one question that remains to be answered is, are you focused? If you find yourself working very hard, wasting...

You are wasting your time

You are wasting your time

If you are spending a minute more than you have to on things that don’t add up, you are wasting your time! Let’s get one thing out of the way as we talk about this: You need time to recharge your batteries. How much time you need and...

Be a differentiator

Be a differentiator

You have only a limited time and you must choose only one of the two: Being acknowledged for your great ideas and your genius, or, realizing your great ideas and unleashing your genius? There are people that obsess over being recognized for what they are doing over actually...

Are you talking too much?

Are you talking too much?

When you want to say something, ask yourself these two questions: 1. What happens if I don’t say this? 2. What happens if I say this? Most times we may end up deciding on not saying anything! It might be best to just stay silent. Silence is truly...

Renunciation and redemption…

Renunciation and redemption…

As I sit here and with my eyes closed, turn my energies and focus inwards, a strange type of peace quickly descends into me that is far greater than anything that any material possession can possibly give. I question myself, why this fitful struggle to achieve and accomplish...

Goodness in Strength Vs Goodness in Weakness, Sashank, Sashank Purighalla, Purighalla

Goodness in Strength Vs Goodness in Weakness

There are two types of good people… Those that are good because they are strong and those that are good because they are weak…. A strong person does the right thing for he wants to ensure that good happens! To him, ‘good’ translates to ‘what’s right’. He does...