Sashank Purighalla Blog

Good enough is not good enough - Sashank Purighalla

Good enough is not good enough

There are times when it makes no commercial sense to work beyond a certain point of completion… The debate invariably is about where one draws that line! You call it good enough, but, your good enough may not be the same as my good enough. You might well...

The past is in the past

The past is in the past

The past is in the past You must have had great success at one point. Today it’s relevance is negligible at best, for what matters is, what you are doing now and what its impact is for your future. You might have seen things that you do not...

The noblest profession

The noblest profession

Teaching! There is not one of us that could have gotten to where we are, but for the efforts of those countless teachers that we have been blessed with, through our life’s path; to them I humbly salute and express my gratitude. And as I say that, I...



As you set up an aquarium, you will learn how fish have to be introduced extremely carefully into their new environment, so they don’t get too stressed out. They must have enough hiding places, the aquarium should not have too much population, etc… all to reduce their stress!...

Levels of understanding - Sashank

Levels of understanding

When someone explains a concept to you… If you have no clue why it is being explained and you are merely an onlooker, you don’t belong in that field of knowledge or you are a novice that needs some serious coaching. You are in elementary school. If you...

You can do more…

You can do more…

Right now, as you sink into your couch claiming to be too tired, there is someone that works harder continuing to roll up his sleeves to get more done. Right now, as you skip your work out claiming to be busy, there is someone busier that is able...

Time is non-refundable

Time is non-refundable

A few years back, I worked with a man that would every now and then get up from his chair in meetings, walk up to the one that added little value but took up a lot of everyone’s time and ask that person how much money he had...

Get started… get it done

Get started… get it done

There is no dearth for great ideas. Bringing them to life however, appears to be the prerogative of a chosen few. We call them “lucky” for we had the same idea way in the past! It is said that a great idea generally sprouts at around the same...

Automation, Intelligence and Purpose

Automation, Intelligence and Purpose

Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is insanity. Doing the same thing over and over when the result is determinate is foolishness! Automation is creating a mechanism that handles frequent repeatable tasks so you can focus on something more intelligible. Smartness is...

Disguised unemployment

Disguised unemployment

It amazes me to find just an unbelievable number of so-called professionals living in perpetuity, in the firm belief that what they are doing actually creates an impact in their respective organizations! Modern day work is heavily communication based. A fundamental lack of understanding of business communication is...