Sashank Purighalla Blog

Be sure about yourself….

Be sure about yourself….

To be sure about yourself is necessary to be happy and to be able to accomplish what you set out to accomplish. And you are always sure of what you have the knowledge of! All of this literally translates to, “You will more than likely be successful, when...

Life is long…

Life is long…

Don’t be fooled by the one sided view of the “life is short” philosophy. What goes around, comes around. You reap as you sow… you reap where you sow… Karma… Call it what you will; life is not that short that the things you did will not come...

Does what you are doing now count?

Does what you are doing now count?

There are times when you are busy and times when you are productive. There are other times when you may be doing nothing or simply wasting your time. All of us go through this! The real question is, does what you are working on count? The only time...

Inaccurate Measurements, Incorrect Metrics And Wrong Units of Measure…

Inaccurate Measurements, Incorrect Metrics And Wrong Units of Measure…

Talk about human productivity in this context…. let’s give an instance to each point: Measure employee effectiveness with the amount of time he spent showing you his face…. the higher the time clock reported, the greater his effectiveness! An insincere person always will come out a winner for...

Peeling an onion….

Peeling an onion….

There are two ways to get to the core of an onion: Peel it one layer at a time and do it gently… A faster way to get to the core is to simply cut through it. You might care enough to peel the onion that its shine...

Self-awareness - Sashank


Being aware of the self can have a very deep spiritual meaning. At a more practical level, it is our ability to think about what we say and think and do. Stand outside yourself and observe you… your talk, your walk, your actions, your interactions, your thoughts, your...

The success paradox!

The success paradox!

Notice the Ocean…. the farther, you view it from, the calmer it appears! A pool on the other hand, is always clear and blue and so very inviting! For a swimmer then, what’s the better choice? For most of us, there are two options for how we want...