Sashank Purighalla Blog

Living the Adult Life….

Living the Adult Life….

There has most definitely been a time where you felt helpless or out of control or abandoned…. If you reacted to the situation a certain way… and then reacted to the same situation differently the next time… and slightly differently then again the third time, each time coming...

Do not try cheating the tri-constraint….

Do not try cheating the tri-constraint….

The scope-resource-time inter-dependence to the delivery of quality products must be honored… You need to staff the project adequately and provide the amount of time needed to accomplish the set scope for the delivery of a product or to derive the outcome that you set out to accomplish...

You cannot ‘Fix’ your way up to a ‘Solution’….

You cannot ‘Fix’ your way up to a ‘Solution’….

And it applies everywhere…. A ‘Fix’ is a patch, a surgical process that is applied at a specific spot… it is perimeterized within definite requirements, contained within a small quantum of space and can be done within a short amount of time…. Applying a fix does not require...

The fourth ingredient is what will define you….

The fourth ingredient is what will define you….

‘Vision’, ‘discipline’ and ‘contribution’ are the three essential ingredients of accomplishment…. Ensure however, that all your accomplishments are guided by your ‘conscience’, for there is no glory unless its principles are rooted in righteousness… in purity…. Let not a single thought, word or deed find its existence outside...

Slow down to speed up….

Slow down to speed up….

A few weeks back, I had written about being busy Vs being productive! Taking that thought further… let’s consider the analogy of a vehicle stuck in sand…. Floor the accelerator all you want to, depending on how bad you have it stuck, you could be perpetually spinning your...

Know thyself!

Know thyself!

Be aware of yourself…. You can wear a mask for the rest of the world… but you know who you are at the core! While interacting with everyone else, notwithstanding any mask that you might be wearing, be sure always of who you are…. Know your behavioral blindsides…...

Customer Satisfaction as a business metric….

Customer Satisfaction as a business metric….

Use customer satisfaction as the single most important metric to measure your performance…. The one question that the leadership of any company needs to ask itself is “Will I hire my company to do the job for me?”. Interestingly, the answer to your question may be found in...

Time Management….

Time Management….

… is critical to your success…. … is about planning and prioritization… … is about doing the right things and spending the right amount of time on each thing…. … is about determining what you do not have to do…. … is about sorting things out in your...