Sashank Purighalla Blog

Why should I not

Why should I not?

It’s not always easy to gain acceptance. It takes selling! A new book by a first time author is hard to publish. It takes selling! That new song by an unknown artist is hard to push. It takes selling! Software is hard to build for adoption. It takes...

Essentialism - Sashank


I have been reading the book “Essentialism” by Eric McKeown; clearly one of the most compelling reads! Here is what appealed the most to me: 1. Every decision is either a ‘definite yes’ or a ‘no’. 2. Do not make emotional decisions; assign metrics to the vital variables...

Relationship gone bad

When a relationship gets sour, the best thing that is said can sound abusive. Maturity can help. Time can heal. But if things get worse with time, do you persist or do you move on? I have a simple formula: Persist as long as it does not get...

No room for thinking or feeling - Sashank

No room for thinking or feeling

Most people mistake a thought or a feeling for a compelling conclusion. When you say “I think…” or “I feel…” or “I hope…”, it indicates a lack of definitive knowledge or the empirical data that may be needed to substantiate your clause. Any statement made therefore is without...

A dreaded long pause - Sashank

A dreaded long pause

I have been living in Nashville for just over 2 years now and someone recently told me that a long silence is a ‘Nashville No’. Why not simply say “No”? It is shorter, simpler and more respectful! You save yourself and the one looking for your response, time...



Today, I expound the doctrine of the Attitude of Gratitude, as I attempt to further explain what I started writing in my article titled, “Responsibility and Gratitude”, dated May 8th, 2018. Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation in response to the kindness shown by a specific entity. Indian...



Taking my article from yesterday on Responsibility and Gratitude further,  responsibility can be defined as taking complete charge of ones place in the setup that one is placed. It is owning up to every deed, word and thought in a manner where they do not have to be...

Responsibility and Gratitude

Responsibility and Gratitude

I was recently asked to explain Indian Culture when I commented that I totally love and respect Indian Culture. To me, and to every person that has been raised with the Great Sanatana Dharma Code, (Indian) Culture means complete individual responsibility and an absolute attitude of gratitude. This...

Got strength?

Got strength?

The ones that made a difference did not do it because they were exceptionally talented not because they had everything go their way. They did it because, they had the strength to withstand every situation when things did not go their way and every instance when they realized...