Sashank Purighalla Blog

Strength is not all…

Strength is not all…

In the long run, adaptability always outlives strength… In the long run, nimbleness always outruns brute strength… In the long run, tactic always outwits indomitable strength… In the long run, resilience always outperforms sheer strength… Strength is extremely important… But strength is not all….

Business is about people….

Business is about people….

Business is about people…. If you feel that business is about money, products and services… you are right! But you will be more right and definitely successful when you start to look at your business as interaction with people…. It’s about your employees…. your clients…. your vendors…. If...

Micro Management Vs Micro Monitoring

Micro Management Vs Micro Monitoring

Where Micro Management could be counter productive… Micro Monitoring is critical for productivity One of the most important aspects of leadership is to setup an environment for success…. for each individual… and for the whole!!! In this backdrop, it becomes extremely important for a leader to understand four...

Happy Republic Day India!

Happy Republic Day India!

In my view, patriotism is being an excellent representation of ones country… to care for our country and our fellow country men… to make a contribution in our own area of work to the best of our ability and to have everyone look up to us with respect...

The coconut analogy…

The coconut analogy…

The coconut analogy… Behind that tough and stern looking external mask is a very soft and tender heart that deals with the same emotions and feelings that create an inner calm at a baby’s smile or causes a tear to roll down at an orphan’s cry…. Inside that...

Be clear about what you want… 

Be clear about what you want… 

People spend months and years working hard… If they are honest with themselves, in many cases, viewing things in the rear view mirror will reveal how little has been accomplished… how much time just slipped away! The exceptions to this generality are few and far beyond! And invariably,...