Sashank Purighalla Blog

Warding off darkness in the heart…

Warding off darkness in the heart…

Good and evil… heroism and villainy result from emotion and not the intellect… they have to do with the heart and not the mind…. Develop a clear heart… Ask yourself always, if your action or response has any streak of negativity associated with it. If the answer be...

Trying to quench curiosity can leave you dry…

Trying to quench curiosity can leave you dry…

There are two types of people… Those that share information openly and those that are curios…. The ones that share information are either very secure in what they are disclosing or are too enthusiastic about it or should I say ‘unaware’ and ‘naive’!!! The curios ones that actually...

You cannot change the result without changing the source!

You cannot change the result without changing the source!

Often times, changes are strongly impacted at operations and execution levels…. changing people, changing processes, cutting costs, new marketing techniques, better tools and technologies…. The general assumption is, if things are not working properly, it must be due to ineffective operations… poor execution!!! Well! Don’t ignore taking a...

Avoid cutting corners

Avoid cutting corners

Stop cutting corners and looking for shortcuts!!! Despite what you’ve probably heard, the main roads are still passable! And most times, a poor choice of which corners to cut may lead you onto paths that you may never be able to get off of!

Direct communication to avoid confrontation…

Direct communication to avoid confrontation…

When you don’t like something someone is doing, how do you deal with it? Would you indirectly indicate to him or would you have a direct conversation…. and if so, when would you get to a point where you talk to him one-to-one? Or are you one of...

Who is bigger?

Who is bigger?

Problems are inevitable… And you do not always get to choose how they come and in what measure! If the problem is something you can handle, you deal with it… you come out a winner… You are bigger than the problem! If the problem is too big for...

An exclusionary attitude is a sign of psychological regression….

An exclusionary attitude is a sign of psychological regression….

The ‘Us’ Vs ‘Them’ attitude is good only in sports as long as it is cocooned in sportsmen spirit…. Everywhere else, it impedes progress at a minimum and eventually causes more destruction than any single party would have cared to have! It is a sign of insecurity…. a...

Understanding Life

Understanding Life

The more I understand life, the more do I understand that I understand very little and there is a lot more to understand… It is strangely exciting and humbling a feeling!

Being a part of the solution…

Being a part of the solution…

You are not a part of the problem… How can you be!! It is you that knows how to do it right… If something has gone wrong, it was for sure not your doing… It was them that don’t get it, or don’t know how, or worse, don’t...



The life of a trusting person is easier for he wears clear glasses!!! He sees the world and it appears clean… For one that cannot or doesn’t trust, there is too much to sift through… The fact is, trust is a reflection of ones heart… If you are...