Sashank Purighalla Blog

Play for a win-win… Not just for a win….

Play for a win-win… Not just for a win….

Winning is fun… the feeling of achievement… of success… the resultant celebration… the confidence it generates… You so totally want to play to Win!!! Life however, is not a game of chess where you win or lose…. Once you understand how life works, you will realize that when...

Not everything needs to be discussed…

Not everything needs to be discussed…

If you think about the number of discussions that yield any meaningful, less… definitive result, you would probably desist the overwhelming majority of them…. The biggest reason why most of us enter into long discussions is probably because we are really not looking to achieve anything through it,...

No room for Suction Pumps…

No room for Suction Pumps…

No matter how positive minded you are, you still have your limits… Question yourself often on where you are spending your time…. If your time is being spent on accomplishing your goals or in relaxing yourself so you may perform well shortly, you are doing the right thing!...

Do you understand it?

Do you understand it?

Just because you know it, it does not mean that you understand it…. and often times the gap between knowledge and understanding is enormous! Knowledge is merely the information that is gathered about something…. and you can become knowledgeable about any subject fairly quickly… all it takes is...

Holding back the villain to surface the hero!

Holding back the villain to surface the hero!

The more I interact with people, the more do I realize that there is more selfishness and more disrespect than I would have ever imagined… And as I say this, I am not complaining nor do I mean to come across as someone that is naive! I often...

Playing teacher might back fire if done at an inopportune moment…

Playing teacher might back fire if done at an inopportune moment…

Recall a time when you were emotionally charged and someone tried to train you on appropriate behavior??? Your reaction dial would have swung somewhere between extreme frustration that you dealt with silently with your teeth clinched to a deliberate display of reckless anger which you would probably have...

What is real? 

What is real? 

When you dream… you see things… people… places… just like you do when you are awake… It feels so real!!! And some of those experiences stay on with you… And when you are awake…you do see things… people… places… you are constantly adding on to your experiences… What...